
Saturday 28 February 2015

Essequibo Coast, Pomeroon & Parika--January 31st to Feb 2nd, 2015

15 other passengers and I took the speedboat on the right from Parika to Supenaam. It was a 25 minute ride.

Lake Ituribisi: the largest of the lakes in the region, known as the, "Hot & Cold" Lake; though no longer as much so, since it was 'dammed' [thus disturbing its natural hotspring-like currents, which accounted for the hot & cold phenomenon]  to allow flooding of the surrounding area for more rice paddies. The Essequibo Coast is a major producer of rice and Guyana is known as the rice basket of the Caribbean; The man in the boat is the pastor for the Amerindian mission across the lake.

Suddie: An administrative centre for the region.
The house my family and I lived in. It is across the street from a quiet beach, where I remember taking long walks with my father and sister. The body of water is the Atlantic Ocean

Roosters 'black water' recreation area, surrounded by rice fields/paddies.

More rice fields and a [rice] factory 

Capoey Lake

Lake Mainstay with its white sand and fresh 'tea coloured' waters.

Anna Regina: Administrative centre 
Lived in compound above when it had only one building; our house and attended the primary school, in the photo above, across the road.

Charity: Gateway to the Pomeroon ... A quiet hospitable town with comfortable accommodation at Purple Heart Hotel and the best breakfast of Pepperpot and Bakes at Ozie's Country Pride Restautant ... An excellent start for the long trip down the Pomeroon River [ actually headed north towards the mouth of the river].

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