
Tuesday 24 February 2015


February 19th thru 20th, 2015
Aracari Resort, West Bank Demerara

A diverse group of 21 young & potential entrepreneurs from all across Guyana gathered for a 2-day, overnight, business camp, where they got to know each other and meet in informal 'conversation circles' with over 20 business owners, entrepreneurs and corporate leaders. Over the course of the camp, emphasis was placed on participants practicing their collaboration, networking and risk-taking skills through a number of group and individual activities which further required them to be creative and innovative; all essential but often less emphasized or practiced skills required to be a successful entrepreneur.

The award recipients for the best group presentation of their "pay it forward" plan. From left to right, representing regions: 1,3,4&2

Groups working in their "pay-it-forward plan" presentations and utilizing a variety of resources, including those of the 'adult allies' present.

Participants were welcomed and engaged in conversations with senior staff at the Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (GBTI), Diamond East Bank Branch and at the state-of-the-art Massy Industries Distribution Centre on the East Coast.

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